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DEI Development Programs for Leaders and Managers

“A powerful, refreshing and thought-provoking session for our leadership team”

Travis Perkins

DEI Development Programs for Leaders and Managers

We work closely with leadership teams to accelerate and scale the business impact of DEI.

When leaders do not own the solution, companies tend to adopt off-the-shelf diversity and inclusion solutions, which have limited to no impact on changing culture. Research finds that the number one barrier to advancing diversity and inclusion is the denial of inequality at work, which is the belief that workplaces work for everyone in the same way. The challenge is most leaders do not know how to create inclusive cultures or what it means to lead in an inclusive way. Likewise, employees do not understand what it means to practice inclusion as part of their job. Companies cannot simply launch off-the-shelf solutions and expect results.

Our development series have been carefully designed to provide senior level executives and emerging leaders with an immersive deep dive into the latest research, leading practices, and role-relevant case studies in how they can create a workplace culture that values difference. The programs incorporate lectures, discussion, experiential learning, and educational activities designed to build core leadership inclusion capabilities.

Leading inclusively is really just a more effective way to manage your teams, as research finds that teams with inclusive leaders are:


more likely to report feeling valued and psychologically safe.


more likely to say that they make high-quality decisions.


more likely to report that they are high-performing.


more likely to report behaving collaboratively.

According to a study conducted by Catalyst in 2014.

Leading for the Future

Leading for the Future

Leading for The Future (LTF) is a three-part interactive, immersive virtual development series that enables leaders to enhance their awareness, understanding and ability to create cultures that value difference and lead in an inclusive way.

DEI is an ongoing journey that every leader signs up for when they agree to manage people.

The series provides long-term value by creating transformational leaders who will become role models of inclusivity, who will live the organisational values, and will empower their teams to practice inclusion in all that they do. It develops inclusive leadership from the “inside-out”, starting with building leaders’ self-awareness of inequality, then extending their understanding of how inequality creates challenges to the advancement of diverse talent within their organisation. With this deep awareness and understanding, leaders are then provided with the tools, resources, case studies and practical solutions to know how to take action within their teams to create and sustain a culture of belonging, support and trust.

Managing for Equity

We have designed our Managing for Equity development series to empower all people leaders to develop their inclusive management skills and make a genuine impact on their team and organisational culture when it comes to advancing inclusion.

When you work with us, inclusion will become the most dynamic practice your business has to harness the power of diversity.

The Managing for Equity development series is a three-part interactive learning series that is designed to make leaders aware of how bias, inequality, and privilege negatively impact their decision-making and what they can do to build inclusive and equitable cultures. A fun, engaging and thoughtful approach underpins the Managing for Equality program. We focus on behaviour change and our learning series is packed with tips, techniques and practical take-aways. Our focus is on developing training that is hard wired to your organisation’s purpose, values, and frameworks.

Success Partnership Series: The Role of Men in Advancing Equality at Works

The Success Partnership Series (SPS) invites men to uncover why creating a more equal work environment serves to benefit them, and how they can move beyond allyship to become true success partners to all employees at work.

of men are disengaged

A huge proportion of them say apathy, meaning a sense of gender issues do not concern them, stopped them getting involved in gender equality. (Catalyst, 2009)

This lack of male engagement and action costs businesses. When men are not a part of the solutions put forward to tackle inequality, any solution is likely to have limited to no impact on changing culture. Consequently, men are left out of the inclusion conversation, and women continue to work in environments where they are devalued. The series aims to address these issues by providing a safe environment for men to examine their own privilege, prejudice, and limitations when it comes to leading inclusively. They will identify why they need to make a personal commitment to advancing equality at work, and what this really means in terms of everyday actions they can take.

Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership

We co-create customised programs to accelerate and scale DEI transformation and cultivate an environment where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their potential. We also offer train the trainer sessions to enable internal facilitators to deliver DEI programs across the wider organisation.

Workplaces were never designed for difference.

Women face numerous invisible barriers throughout their careers and key to overcoming these obstacles is to know what they are. The Women in Leadership Series sheds light on the specific challenges women encounter throughout their careers, and how women can overcome the invisible barriers to their success at work, and lead on their own terms. The program includes a series of transformative interactive workshops, which will enable all women to discover how women can redefine leadership on their own terms, and leverage their skills sets to thrive in the future of work.

Emerging Inclusive Leadership

Emerging Inclusive Leadership

Our Emerging Inclusive Leadership Program ensures that people managers (those with around 5 to 10 years of professional experience), have what they need to succeed as an inclusive leader in senior or general management roles by developing the skills required to lead themselves and others in a way that harnesses the benefits of a diverse workforce.

Learn to bring diverse individuals together to create, innovate and deliver value to your organisation.

Through this series, leaders are provided with the diversity acumen, inclusive leadership skills, and equality mindset to navigate today’s global challenges and excel in tomorrow’s uncertain business world. The aim of the Emerging Inclusive Leadership development series is to enable leaders to motivate and engage teams with a high degree of diversity on all parameters, i.e., gender, ethnicity, age, profession, and cultural backgrounds. They will learn to connect with diverse customers, welcome and celebrate a diverse spectrum of ideas and solutions, and enable different individuals in their teams to reach their full potential.

Leading for the Future

NextGen Leadership Program

The NextGen Equality Leadership Program is a transformative virtual development program that enables and empowers the next generation of leaders to understand how inequality works at work and what they can do to build cultures of equality at work.

have aspirations to reach a senior leadership position in a company / organisation

The program is delivered in three modules to participants who are entering the workforce who want to develop the skills needed to become future leaders within their workplace. The goal is to enable them to become the next generation of change makers, and use their capabilities to advance equality and thrive in workplaces today and tomorrow. Each session can be delivered in person or virtually with up to 50 participants and includes 1.5 hours of an online workshop and 30 minutes of preparatory materials. The program incorporates lectures, discussion, experiential learning, and educational activities designed to build core inclusion capabilities.

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Building workplaces that work for everyone

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